Issue - meetings

Review of Scrutiny & Portfolio Holder Roles & Responsibilities

Meeting: 24/11/2015 - Cabinet (Item 31)

31 Review of Scrutiny & Portfolio Holder Roles & Responsibilities pdf icon PDF 64 KB

Additional documents:




That the amendment of the Council’s Constitution to adopt the new roles and responsibilities for individual Overview and Scrutiny Committees as set out in appendix B of the report to Cabinet be approved.






·      That the amendment of the Council’s Constitution to adopt the new roles and responsibilities for individual Overview and Scrutiny Committees as set out in appendix B of the report to Cabinet be approved.


Reason for Decision


To review the roles and responsibilities of individual Overview and Scrutiny Committees to improve the alignment of member and officer structures.






No financial implications arising from this report.


Value for Money


The alignment of roles and responsibilities of the Member and Officer structures would enable more efficient use of officer and member time and increase the focus of scrutiny.


Risk Implications


Good corporate governance encompasses risk management and making sure that the Council makes decisions with the full knowledge of the associated risks and opportunities.  The risk of not reviewing and updating our corporate governance arrangements have been addressed by this report.


Community Impact Assessment

A detailed Community Impact Assessment review has not been undertaken.  The purpose of the proposed amendments to the Council’s Constitution is to improve the focus of scrutiny undertaken by the Council’s Overview and Scrutiny Committees when scrutinising the delivery of the Council’s policies and services functions.


Health And Safety Implications

None arising from this report.


Corporate Objectives

Dacorum Delivers





The Leader of the council explained that the report had been through the Overview & Scrutiny Committee Chairs (OSC’s) and colleagues and had been supported. The aim was to link the OSC’s and the Portfolio Holders as much as possible. This was seen to be an improvement on the existing process.


Minor amendments to names and Portfolio titles were noted and would be made to the final published document.




Consultation took place with:

·       Cabinet

·       Overview and Scrutiny Committee Chairs

·       Chief Officer Group

  • Corporate Management Team



