Issue - meetings

New Build Update Part 1 and 2

Meeting: 24/11/2015 - Cabinet (Item 28)

28 Housing Development Update pdf icon PDF 124 KB

Additional documents:


1.     That the employment/commercial element of the Woodhouse site to be developed as an extension of Maylands Business Centre be approved in principle and a detailed business case be developed for further approval.


2.     That the main contract to construct 14 new Council homes at Able House, Figtree Hill be awarded to Taylor French Developments Ltd


3.     That the progress on the New Build Programme be noted.




1.     That the employment/commercial element of the Woodhouse site to be developed as an extension of Maylands Business Centre be approved in principle and a detailed business case be developed for further approval.


2.     That the main contract to construct 14 new Council homes at Able House, Figtree Hill be awarded to Taylor French Developments Ltd


3.     That the progress on the New Build Programme be noted.


Reason for Decision


To provide an update on the Council’s New Build Programme.


To seek approval for the employment/commercial element of the Woodhouse site to be developed as an extension of Maylands Business Centre.


To seek approval to award the main contract to construct 14 new Council homes at Able House, Figtree Hill, Hemel Hempstead.






A detailed breakdown of the tendered costs for Able House is included in the appendix including relevant financial information within the project update.




Value for Money


This will be achieved through a successful procurement programme for Able House contract.


Risk Implications


Risk Assessment completed within the New Build Project Initiation Document (PID).


A risk assessment is completed for each site by the Employers Agent


Equalities Implications

Equality Impact Assessment completed within the New Build PID/Housing Strategy.


Health And Safety Implications

Each scheme will have in place a Principal Designer as required under the Construction Design and Management Regulations. Contractors are required to comply with the Council’s H&S policy along with Considerate Constructors requirements.


Corporate Objectives

Affordable Housing




The Group Manager for Strategic Housing explained that the report formed part of a regular update. She added that they were seeking approval in principle for the employment/commercial element of the Woodhouse site to be developed as an extension of Maylands Business Centre and a detailed business case be developed for further approval. A further report on the finances of this would be produced.

In addition to award the main contract to construct 14 new Council homes at Able House, Figtree Hill to Taylor French Developments Ltd of which details were included in the part 2 report.


The Portfolio Holder for Housing said it was a good idea to extend the Maylands Business centre.


The Portfolio Holder for Environmental, Sustainability & Regulatory Services asked if the Woodhouse site extension was in addition to the Maylands Business Centre extension next door.

The Corporate Director for Housing and Regeneration confirmed this development was for small office space and the Maylands Business Centre extension was more factory based.



Consultation took place with:

  • Mark Gaynor, Director of Housing & Regeneration
  • Elliott Brooks, Assistant Director - Housing
  • Nicholas Brown, Group Manager (Commercial Assets & Property Development), Building Services
  • Richard Baker, Group Manager, Financial Services
  • Andrew Linden, Team Leader, Commissioning, Procurement & Compliance



