To consider questions (if any) by members of the Council of which the appropriate notice has been given to the Assistant Director (Corporate and Contracted Services)
Written question to the Leader of the Council from Councillor Uttley:
(1) The Climate Emergency was declared on 17th July and notwithstanding the need for planning, there has not, as yet been what could be called an “emergency” reaction.
At the last Full Council, Liberal Democrat Councillors queried the cabinet on climate emergency action taken by the Council and were offered a general confirmation that work was ongoing towards this. For the Council to show that it is taking the climate change emergency seriously, it is important that initial benchmarks and metrics are put in place, so that we can evidence our progress towards net zero.
(2) Therefore, in seeking to ensure that the Council and the public are as well informed as possible, both of:
A) the current position of Dacorum in relation to Climate Emergency metrics, and
B) the actions being taken by the Council as first steps to prevent the Climate Emergency
this written question tries to identify some important potential routes the Borough could take:
3) Carbon emissions data collected by the government
for road transport, domestic, commercial, agricultural and
industrial emissions show that for the Dacorum area, per capita
carbon emissions as calculated in 2017 currently stand at 4.4 tons
per annum.
These metrics, although useful, take a long time to collect and as such do not allow for real time tracking of progress. They also do not include estimates for carbon emissions which relate to individual action, such as that embedded in our dietary and transport choices.
(4) However, this effort from central government could be usefully supplemented by DBC through setting our own metrics, which measure local progress in areas such as:
A- energy efficiency of council owned properties (improved insulation and use of LED lighting);?
B)- carbon emissions relating to the provision of heat and power to those properties, (switch to efficient equipment, from Gas to Electricity where environmentally economic to do so, and switch to renewable tariffs);
C)- Waste and recycling (improvements in proportion of waste recycled in the UK, and reductions in overall waste created) ;
D)- trees (notional CO2 sequestered by trees in Dacorum, reflecting the net number of trees planted);
E)- habitat (notional CO2 sequestered by habitat improvements across Dacorum).
F)- Carbon emitted by council owned and contractor transport (switching to electric vans, buses and other commercial vehicles);
G)- Passenger figures for buses on local routes (to train station or town);
(5) we should define metrics (or use those already in place such as SAP for energy rating residential properties) which will allow DBC to take regular stock of and track our progress towards net zero in 2030, with the reasonable expectation that these local improvements would then be reflected in the high level government data for Dacorum.
(6) Therefore will the Leader of the Council explain:
a. What action is being taken to establish climate emergency metrics such as those listed above?
b. What structures have been set up to undertake the urgent tasks needed ... view the full decision text for item 6
Written question to the Leader of the Council from Councillor Uttley:
(1) The Climate Emergency was declared on 17th July and notwithstanding the need for planning, there has not, as yet been what could be called an “emergency” reaction.
At the last Full Council, Liberal Democrat Councillors queried the cabinet on climate emergency action taken by the Council and were offered a general confirmation that work was ongoing towards this. For the Council to show that it is taking the climate change emergency seriously, it is important that initial benchmarks and metrics are put in place, so that we can evidence our progress towards net zero.
(2) Therefore, in seeking to ensure that the Council and the public are as well informed as possible, both of:
A) the current position of Dacorum in relation to Climate Emergency metrics, and
B) the actions being taken by the Council as first steps to prevent the Climate Emergency
this written question tries to identify some important potential routes the Borough could take:
3) Carbon emissions data collected by the government
for road transport, domestic, commercial, agricultural and
industrial emissions show that for the Dacorum area, per capita
carbon emissions as calculated in 2017 currently stand at 4.4 tons
per annum.
These metrics, although useful, take a long time to collect and as such do not allow for real time tracking of progress. They also do not include estimates for carbon emissions which relate to individual action, such as that embedded in our dietary and transport choices.
(4) However, this effort from central government could be usefully supplemented by DBC through setting our own metrics, which measure local progress in areas such as:
A- energy efficiency of council owned properties (improved insulation and use of LED lighting);?
B)- carbon emissions relating to the provision of heat and power to those properties, (switch to efficient equipment, from Gas to Electricity where environmentally economic to do so, and switch to renewable tariffs);
C)- Waste and recycling (improvements in proportion of waste recycled in the UK, and reductions in overall waste created) ;
D)- trees (notional CO2 sequestered by trees in Dacorum, reflecting the net number of trees planted);
E)- habitat (notional CO2 sequestered by habitat improvements across Dacorum).
F)- Carbon emitted by council owned and contractor transport (switching to electric vans, buses and other commercial vehicles);
G)- Passenger figures for buses on local routes (to train station or town);
(5) we should define metrics (or use those already in place such as SAP for energy rating residential properties) which will allow DBC to take regular stock of and track our progress towards net zero in 2030, with the reasonable expectation that these local improvements would then be reflected in the high level government data for Dacorum.
(6) Therefore will the Leader of the Council explain:
a. What action is being taken to establish climate emergency metrics such as those listed above?
b. What structures have been set up to undertake the urgent tasks needed ... view the full minutes text for item 6