Issue - meetings

Health & Localism / Health & Wellbeing Board Update

Meeting: 09/09/2015 - Health in Dacorum (Item 22)

Health & Localism / Health & Wellbeing Board Update

Councillor W Wyatt–Lowe to provide Members with an update since the last meeting.


Councillor W Wyatt – Lowe informed Members that plans in place for the government to reduce the amount of funding for Public Health, Hertfordshire will be about £3 million. However it is expected to have some of the billion that has been promised to the NHS going to issues that affect Public Health. However Hertfordshire may not be greatly affected.


The last meeting that took place was in June and covered the topics;

  1. Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service – This is being reviewed completely for Hertfordshire.
  2. Mental Health and the use of websites – “Mind Ed”
  3. Lots of other NHS websites that are being approved and promoted for Mental Health Services to set up one to one services with an advisor.
  4. The role of Public Health and alcohol licensing where evidence can now be supplied by the director of Public Health to Committees. This can be useful as a source of information in making licensing rules and regulations to use locally.
  5. Sexual Health and a 5 year improvement plan.
  6. Health child programme
  7. Just under 5000 referrals to health weight programmes


Questions and Answers


Councillor Timmis referred to the banning of smoking and said that it would be an example if this was to be implemented in Dacorum. She also pointed out that it may be more effective to have graphic television awareness of diabetes as it might motivate them to do something about their lifestyle.


Councillor W Wyatt-Lowe said that he agreed with Councillor Timmis’ comment and said he will feed her suggestions back.


M Moore added that on the Herts County Council website a new strategy has been implemented to cover 2013-2017 and said that he highly recommended it to Members to have a read.


The Chair welcomed the updates given and said that he found the discussions very useful.