Issue - meetings

Introduction to Digital Dacorum

Meeting: 02/09/2015 - Finance and Resources Overview and Scrutiny (Item 23)

23 Introduction to Digital Dacorum pdf icon PDF 594 KB


R Smyth, Assistant Director for Performance and Projects and C Berry Ottoway, Digital Project Management Team Leader gave a presentation to Members on the introduction to Digital Dacorum.

They highlighted a few of the key areas:

·         It is a 2yr programme. It is not just an IT project but a transformation programme looking at all of the changes across the organisation.


·         Their vision is to transform the way the Council communicates with residents. Digital Dacorum is an online experience for people to access the services of the Council.

·         5% people use the internet, 65% of people have access to the internet on their phones. The relationship between service providers are changing at a dramatic rate.

·         It is important to provide high levels of service and offer the right support to those that use the online services.

·         10 projects in total – Project 1 – looks at Website design

·         Projects 2-8 – Content Management & Digital Media

·         Projects 3,4,9 – Service redesign, website functionality & Direct debits

·         Projects 5 & 10 – E signatures and CRM.

·         Project 6 - Channel Shift

·         Project 7 – Supporting Digital Inclusion

·         The programme will run initially for a 2 year period upon which will a review will take place to access what needs to be changed and any new technologies that have evolved.



Councillor Taylor pointed out that the last page of the presentation given was not included on the report.

R Smyth said that he would provide the presentation slides to Members.

Councillor Tindall asked if Members would receive a report which details how they are going to detail all of the new services online.

R Smyth said they will be looking at meeting with Tarren with regards to the library and the Forum and plans going forward.

Councillor Tindall asked if there are any plans to work with the libraries in Dacorum as they have the staff and facilities to help people get online.

R Smyth mentioned that the new website would be launched in February 2016 and it will provide a fantastic focal point to communicate with Members and the public.

Councillor Harden informed Members that regular articles are put in Dacorum Digest so people are aware of what is happening. He also mentioned that they will be working with Northgate in how they design their letters that go out to residents.

The Chair said its good practise to promote what you want to achieve.

M Housden explained to Members that they have already been working with Northgate to promote using their online services and already have a message on their phone system which says that this service is online and lists the website. The CSU staff have already been told to promote to customers the use of using the online services.

Councillor Douris asked if the officers will be working with BT and Hertfordshire County Council to ensure that those areas within the borough that are not yet connected to broadband will have access to this.

R Smyth said that  ...  view the full minutes text for item 23