Issue - meetings

Provisional Outturn Quarter 3

Meeting: 15/03/2016 - Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny (Item 75)

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D Skinner introduced the report to the committee. He informed the committee about the £223,000 overspend which is consistent with previous quarters and was confident that the balance would be reduced by the end of the year.

In terms of Strategic Planning and Environment, there was an overspend in waste and planning services due to the timing of implementation of the anticipated waste collections and there was an increased pressure on employing agency staff. There is a corresponding surplus due to the income from planning charges.

Councillor C Wyatt-Lowe referred to line 162 and questioned the low uptake on home improvements and asked if it had been advertised appropriately. Councillor C Wyatt-Lowe said she would prefer this money to be spent on improving pockets of deprivation instead of it being removed from the capital programme.

C Troy said the scheme was not widely advertised but had been advertised nationally. There has been poor take up of the scheme across the country. It is important to note that they are not grants but loans so must be paid back.

Councillor C Wyatt-Lowe was concerned that it was not being advertised locally therefore not fulfilling the schemes full potential.

Councillor Tindall asked if private rented landlords were able to apply as they are often the buildings in the worst condition.

C Troy said the scheme was for homeowners. Private landlords have a legal responsibility to ensure properties are maintained. If they do not keep to these standards then enforcement action is taken.

Councillor Matthews noted that it was to be removed from the capital programme but questioned whether it should be abandon due to a low take up – would this benefit homeowners?

C Troy said the proposal had been discussed at length. The scheme has been in place for 18 months and similar schemes came before it. It has been advertised on the Council’s website.

Councillor Marshall confirmed that removing it from the budget for 2016/17 was before the committee in February and approved at Full Council.

Councillor Tindall asked if this was a government requirement, so if someone comes forward for a loan, if there is no money in the budget what position is the Council in?

C Troy confirmed that it was discretionary.

Councillor Hicks asked the percentage of take up of this scheme.

C Troy said they had one application for £8,000 but this has not been processed yet.


The Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the report.