Issue - meetings

Land Charges

Meeting: 12/04/2016 - Strategic Planning & Environment Overview & Scrutiny (Item 102)

102 Land Charges pdf icon PDF 109 KB


S Whelan introduced the report to the committee. She said that income was steady and work was underway to put the service online. When it is live, they will be able to charge for the service and this will also help with the move to the Forum. Land Charge project is a government initiative and the timeline states it will be ready by 2020 which should include a central search engine.

Councillor Ashbourn hoped the process to moving it digital would be robust because it has been known for documents to go missing.

S Whelan said everything would be digitalised to ensure staff can work from home. This is a huge project but will be a big achievement when complete.

Councillor Howard asked what the slippage on date is. They seem to be quite tight deadlines.

J Doe said these were draft dates. The Conservation appraisals will be allocated to consultants so will not take up officer’s time.


The Strategic Planning and Environment Overview and Scrutiny Committee noted the report.