Issue - meetings

Strategic Partner Commissioning

Meeting: 20/10/2015 - Cabinet (Item 9)

9 Voluntary sector funding – Changes to grant arrangements for the Strategic Partners pdf icon PDF 129 KB

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That Cabinet approve -

1.               To replace the existing core funding arrangements for the Council’s Strategic Partner voluntary sector organisations with an outcome based commissioning model with effect from 2016/17.

2.               the proposed financial envelope of £619,000 and the revised distribution of those funds between the services from 1 April 2016 as set out in Appendix 2.

3.               the new groupings of services as set out in the Appendices.

4.               the contract duration of a minimum of three years with an option to extend for up to a further 24 months based on the performance of the contract.   

5.               the phased implementation timetable as set out in Appendix 3.

6.               the service outcomes for the Advice, Information and Advocacy Service as set out in Appendix 1a.

7.               To give delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Residents and Corporate Services to make all future decisions relating to the commissioning of voluntary sector services in 2016/17.  This will include decisions on the service outcomes (except for the Advice, Information and Advocacy Service), any variations or amendments to the tendering timescales and contract awards.


That Cabinet approve -

1.               To replace the existing core funding arrangements for the Council’s Strategic Partner voluntary sector organisations with an outcome based commissioning model with effect from 2016/17.

2.               the proposed financial envelope of £619,000 and the revised distribution of those funds between the services from 1 April 2016 as set out in Appendix 2.

3.               the new groupings of services as set out in the Appendices.

4.               the contract duration of a minimum of three years with an option to extend for up to a further 24 months based on the performance of the contract.   

5.               the phased implementation timetable as set out in Appendix 3.

6.               the service outcomes for the Advice, Information and Advocacy Service as set out in Appendix 1a.

7.               To give delegated authority to the Portfolio Holder for Residents and Corporate Services to make all future decisions relating to the commissioning of voluntary sector services in 2016/17.  This will include decisions on the service outcomes (except for the Advice, Information and Advocacy Service), any variations or amendments to the tendering timescales and contract awards.


Reason for Decision


To seek the agreement of Cabinet for the introduction of a commissioning approach to the funding of the Council’s voluntary sector Strategic Partners with effect from 2016/17 and to seek delegated authority for the Portfolio Holder for Residents and Corporate Services to make various decisions for the implementation of the commissioning process.




The overall cost to the Council for these services, which is committed until 31 March 2016 is £813,800 per annum.

£753,800 from the General fund (£627,550 per annum in grant funding , £105,500 in reduced income from full market rent and £20,750 in reduced business rates) and £60,000 from the Housing Revenue Account (HRA).

Risk Implications


Some of the Strategic Partners may not be ready for the commissioning process but this has been mitigated by the holding of workshops, the consultation process and the phasing of the tendering exercise throughout 2016/17 to enable more preparation time.

Some of the current Strategic Partners may not be commissioned to carry out the new services and therefore may not be able to continue to operate.


Equalities Implications

Equality Impact Assessment carried out on 2 October 2015


Health And Safety Implications

None identified.


Corporate Objectives

1.          Community Capacity: enabling self-help and volunteering to build communities.

2.          Regeneration: developing skills and aspirations of local people.

3.          Dacorum Delivers: developing more effective ways of delivering services which meet customer expectations.




The Portfolio Holder for Residents & Corporate Services introduced the report and explained that it had been discussed by CMT, Cabinet colleagues and two Overview and Scrutiny Committees (OSC), who raised some concerns around funding and lack of provision for residents.


The Assistant Director for the Chief Executives Unit explained that the Housing and Community Overview & Scrutiny committee raised a number of concerns, including, wanting reassurance there would be full consultation with the voluntary sector, ensuring the outcomes remained flexible and broad based, seeking confirmation of the tendering  ...  view the full minutes text for item 9