Issue - meetings

Approval of DBC Conservation Strategy

Meeting: 24/11/2015 - Cabinet (Item 30)

30 Conservation Strategy 2014-2019 pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Additional documents:


1.     That the Conservation Strategy, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report which sets out the Borough Council’s corporate approach to Conservation matters in Dacorum be adopted.

2.     That authority is delegated to the Assistant Director (Planning, Development & Regeneration), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration, to approve the rolling Action Plan.




1.     That the Conservation Strategy, as set out at Appendix 1 to the report which sets out the Borough Council’s corporate approach to Conservation matters in Dacorum be adopted.

2.     That authority is delegated to the Assistant Director (Planning, Development & Regeneration), in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration, to approve the rolling Action Plan.

Reason for Decision


To seek final approval of the Conservation Strategy for the Borough of Dacorum following public consultation.





The proposed Strategy makes use of established budgets to deliver the core Conservation service and provides a platform and direction from which to consider future actions which might require non-recurring expenditure.

Value for Money

The proposed Strategy provides a basis from which to prioritise expenditure; it provides a basis for seeking external funding, should opportunities arise; it takes a balanced approach to assessing matters of heritage value without committing the Council to excessive expenditure.


Risk Implications


To be completed as part of the forthcoming Action Plan to support the Conservation Strategy.


Equalities Implications

Not directly applicable for the Conservation Strategy. The detailed action plan to follow will require the completion of an Equalities Impact Assessment.

Health And Safety Implications

None arising from this report.


Corporate Objectives

Regeneration – the Strategy will be instrumental in helping to guide new developments where heritage considerations are important

Dacorum Delivers – the Strategy provides a corporate framework for best addressing Conservation and heritage issues across the organisation

Building Community Capacity – the successful implementation of the Strategy will be enhanced by the engagement of external organisations.

Safe and Clean Environment – the Strategy is aimed at making the best of the Borough’s rich built heritage.




The Portfolio Holder for Planning & Regeneration explained that this was work in progress.

The Assistant Director for Planning, Development & Regeneration added that this was a 5 year strategy which set out a broad spectrum of jobs to do in this field. There was also an action plan to agree the annual priorities. He concluded to note that the Consultation Strategy as included in the report as Appendix 1 had been through the necessary consultation process.


The Team Leader for Development Management noted the following two amendments to the strategy:

Page 8 of 17: Dudswell and Flaunden have swapped years within the timescale for the delivery of the remaining Conservation Area Character Appraisals.


Page 12 of 17: The words ‘Development Management DPD’ have been replaced by ‘new Local Plan for the Borough’.


The Chief Executive highlighted that the Foreword of the strategy was in her name but she felt it to be more appropriate for it to be on behalf of the Portfolio Holder.

The Portfolio Holder for Planning and Regeneration confirmed he was happy to do this.


The Portfolio Holder for Environmental, Sustainability & Regulatory Services asked what the current situation was with local listed building status and had there been a freeze.

The Team Leader for Development Management confirmed there had been no freeze. The strategy reflects how it  ...  view the full minutes text for item 30