Issue - meetings

Equality & Diversity

Meeting: 22/05/2018 - Cabinet (Item 59)

59 Equality & Diversity pdf icon PDF 91 KB

Additional documents:


Cabinet approved the new Workforce Equality and Diversity Strategy. 




Cabinet approved the new Workforce Equality and Diversity Strategy. 


Reason for decision


To approve the new Workforce Equality and Diversity Strategy. 


Corporate objectives


Modern and Efficient Council – Having a diverse workforce will improve productivity and morale and ensure that we are better able to represent and support our local communities.


It will also contribute to improve retention rates and ensure that we build and develop institutional knowledge and capability.


Monitoring Officer/S.151 Officer comments


Monitoring Officer:  

The strategy will help to ensure that the Council meets its statutory equality obligations and ensure that the Council does not discriminate against any person, and is therefore recommended for approval.


S.151 Officer:

No direct financial implications.




Cllr Harden advised this is part of the Corporate People Strategy, to develop support and promote equality across Council.  There are 5 commitments within Strategy, as set out in report.


There were no questions.


Recommendations agreed



