Decision details

Disposal of 158 Leighton Buzzard Road

Decision Maker: Strategic Director (Corporate & Commercial Services)

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


To approve the open market sale of this property.
This property has an estimated valuation of £325,000, it is a two bedroom house. Estimated costs required to bring it up to the lettable standard are £41,000, including a new kitchen, new bathroom, new roof and internal structural work. The property also has a damp problem that would need to be resolved. The property attributes and features are not standard in terms of replacements for repairs due to the age and construction of the property. This makes ongoing maintenance and improvements costly and more complicated than with the standard constructed Council stock.


Sell the property on the open market due to the value of work required to the property and the higher than average sale value.
Due to their age, design and location of this property, it will command a higher than average market value, and due to its age and condition will incur higher than average costs to maintain over the 30 year Business Plan.

Alternative options considered:

Option 1 - Carry out the work required to bring the property up to a lettable standard
Option 2 - Sell the property on the open market

Publication date: 25/07/2017

Date of decision: 26/05/2017

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