Decision details

PH-011-21 Approval to award a contract for Asbestos Removals for Housing Assets

Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Housing & Property Services

Decision status: Recommendations approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes



As part of the Council’s programme of works to remediate asbestos identified through UKATA approved surveys, the Council are looking to appoint a suitable Licenced Asbestos Removal Contractor (LARC) to remove asbestos from Housing Assets.


This report is seeking approval to appoint a Contractor from the South East Consortium (SEC) Framework Agreement.


Approval to award a contract for Asbestos Removals for Housing Assets

Publication date: 14/04/2021

Date of decision: 14/04/2021

Effective from: 15/04/2021

Accompanying Documents: