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1.This property, due to its location and type would command a
higher than average market value (Acquisitions (Right to Buy: Buy
Back) and Disposals Policy 2024 item 7.3).
2.The property is in need of major work to remove any Health and
Safety rating system hazards or asbestos containing materials that
require a high level of ongoing management in conjunction with
extensive works to comply with Decent Homes provision i.e.
installation of a central heating system, rewiring, new kitchen,
bathroom, asbestos removal and major clearance of collapsed
structure to the rear gardens to ensure H
Decision Maker: Chief Finance Officer (S151)
Decision published: 11/11/2024
Effective from: 11/11/2024
1.The property is in need of major works to
return the property to a habitable condition
2.The property is in need of major work to remove any Health and
Safety rating system hazards or asbestos containing materials that
require a high level of ongoing management in conjunction with
extensive works to comply with Decent Homes provision i.e.
installation of a central heating system, rewiring, asbestos
removals new kitchen and bathroom.
3.Properties which due to their age, design and location command a
higher than average market value, which due to their age and
condition will incur higher than average costs to maintain over the
30 year Business Plan.
4.Properties which due to their original design, location and
designation are no longer fit for purpose and have associated level
of difficulty re-letting. These criteria may affect more than one
property, for example those contained in a Cat 2 sheltered schemes,
and therefore would be considered on a scheme by scheme basis
rather than individually.
A financial appraisal has been carried out using ARKs Strategic
Asset Performance Model (Appendix C) this shows that to re-let the
property at social rent following the necessary works would result
in a 30 year NPV of £53,849 as detailed in scenario 1, versus
a cash receipt of between £250,000- 275.000 for outright
sale. (Please note we have two property valuations from different
agents as per appendix A) It is therefore recommended to proceed
with outright sale.
This property has an estimated valuation of £250,000 -
It is a three bedroom semi-detached house. Estimated costs required
to bring it up to the lettable standard are £44,187.42,
including a new kitchen, new bathroom, rewire, heating and
extensive garden works.
Lead officer: Lesley Jugoo
Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Corporate & Commercial Services
Decision published: 07/11/2024
Effective from: 05/11/2024
Background to report:
During 2023/24 several reports were presented to the Finance & Resources OSC and Cabinet in relation to proposals for parking tariff increases and changes to existing charging policies. With the last increase in parking tariffs being agreed in 2019, the objective was to obtain agreement on a set of proposals that could be included in a statutory consultation process.
This culminated in a report being presented to Cabinet in December 2023 which clearly set out a full breakdown of the proposed changes and agreement was reached with a decision made to progress to statutory consultation.
Following the publication of the Cabinet paper in December 2023, the Administration received representations from opposition parties and also from residents and local businesses who expressed concern at the proposed changes. Consequently, the Administration reviewed the proposals again and have proposed a final updated set of changes that were presented back to the Finance & Resources OSC and Cabinet in February 2024.
A summary of the updated proposals are set out below.
- Increases to both on-street and off-street parking tariff.
- Consolidating on-street parking sessions to introduce a new minimum stay of 2 hours.
- Keep Limited Wait Bays (LWBs) on the peripheries of the high streets in Berkhamsted and Kings Langley as being free to use.
- Keep all LWBs free in Apsley and Hemel Hempstead Old Town
- Introduce charges for LWBs in the centre of Tring and Kings Langley
- All chargeable LWBs (on-street parking) in the centre of Berkhamsted, Kings Langley, Tring plus Waterhouse Street and Marlowes to have maximum 1 hour stay with 2 tariffs: 30 mins for £0.80 or 1 hour for £1.50.
- Hemel Hempstead on-street parking to reduce from the proposed 4 hours to 2 hours in:
§ Alexandra Road;
§ Cemetery Hill;
§ St John’s Road;
§ Cotterells
§ London Road
- Addition of an ‘Up to 10 hours’ parking option in off-street parking
- Tariffs in on-street and off-street locations to apply from 8am – 6pm Monday to Sunday
- All evening charging (post 6pm) to be removed.
- Kings Langley off-street car parks to remain free but stay limited to a maximum of 4 hours between 8am – 6pm (no time restriction after 6pm)
- Canal Fields, Berkhamsted, to remain free but stay limited to a maximum of 4 hours between 8am – 6pm (no time restriction after 6pm)
- The introduction of a change in the Traffic Regulation Order (TRO) to enable customers to extend a parking session by using the Pay By Phone app or the pay machines, but only where this allowed under the parking restrictions (e.g. you cannot extend a parking session past the maximum stay)
These proposals have been developed through extensive consultation by the Administration with the key aims of
- Starting to introduce consistency with parking across the borough
- Recognising the value of Council assets and maximising income, whilst also recognising the desire to:
§ Support Town/Village centre shops,
§ Support the nighttime economy across the borough,
§ Provide freedom and flexibilities to shoppers.
At the Cabinet meeting in February it was agreed to progress to statutory consultation with these proposals, and to delegate authority to the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder Corporate & Commercial to make any final decision on the implementation of the parking tariff increases and changes to charging policy.
Work commenced on drafting the statutory consultation documentation and the proposals were submitted to the Highways Department at Hertfordshire County Council, the emergency services, and the Road Haulage Association for agreement on the proposals before the statutory consultation with residents and businesses could commence.
Responses were received from all of the above organisations in the early summer with no objections being raised, however, before the statutory consultation could commence, the Government called a Parliamentary election and due to the pre-election period (purdah), the statutory consultation was delayed until after the election.
The statutory consultation commenced on 10 July 2024 and concluded on 31 July 2024 and was available on the Council’s corporate consultation platform with hard copies of the consultation and survey also being available at The Forum, Victoria Hall in Tring, and Berkhamsted Civic Centre.
The statutory consultation included 3 separate Traffic Regulation Orders:
- Off-street
- On-street
- Controlled Parking Zones
Consultees where asked to provide any objections to the proposals with clear reasons for these objections.
The Council’s consultation platform showed that over 3,000 people visited the consultation during the period and the following 538 objections were received:
- Off-street (146 responses)
- On-street (372 responses)
- Controlled Parking Zones (20 responses)
Whilst this cannot be considered as part of the statutory consultation process, it is worth noting that a petition with 3,840 signatures has been delivered to the Council relating to objections to the parking proposals in Kings Langley. The Petition was considered in accordance with the Council’s Petition Scheme, but was not reported to full Council because this matter was already subject to an open public consultation. It was therefore agreed that the petition would be referred to the final decision makers so that it could be considered as part of the overall consultation responses.
Decision made and reasons:
Following discussions with the Portfolio Holder for Corporate and Commercial a decision has been made to progress the proposed changes to parking tariffs and changes to charging policies for full implementation.
The reasons for this decision are set out below:
· The Council has a duty to its residents and taxpayers to ensure best value for money, by ensuring it recovers costs for services provided.
· The proposals provide a more equitable charging basis for users across the Borough, with consistency as to charging policies.
· The additional income that the proposals will deliver will contribute to parking income pressures, and contribute to the Council’s wider financial sustainability and delivery of services.
· The income will also contribute to longer term objectives relating to sustainability and climate change, as part of a holistic approach to encouraging behaviour change in relation to travel and sustainable transport options.
Lead officer: Ben Hosier
Maylands and Kylna Business Centre's
telecommunications system contract expires February 2025 and
infrastructure requires replacement which has been tendered.
Decision Maker: Assistant Director - Place, Communities and Enterprise
Decision published: 06/11/2024
Effective from: 05/11/2024
Approval to award the Maylands
Lead officer: Steve Wilson
Decision Maker: Portfolio Holder for Neighbourhood Operations
Decision published: 31/10/2024
Effective from: 08/11/2024
Lead officer: David Sammons