
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
To approve an award to Bloom to carry out a Further Competition exercise via the NEPRO framework for legal support for the Hemel Garden Communities programme. ref: 234721/01/202521/01/2025Not for call-in
Council Tax Declaration Sub Committee Proposal 2025 ref: 236428/01/202512/02/2025Call-in expired
Climate and Ecological Emergency Spending Proposal ref: 236228/01/202512/02/2025Call-in expired
Commissioning & Procurement Standing Orders Review & Update (Procurement Act 2023) ref: 236328/01/202512/02/2025Call-in expired
Shopmobility Contract Service Review 2024 ref: 236128/01/202512/02/2025Call-in expired
Scrutiny: Recommendations following the Review of Scrutiny by the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny ref: 236028/01/202512/02/2025Call-in expired
Supported Housing Strategy ref: 235928/01/202512/02/2025Call-in expired
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 235828/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 235728/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 235628/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 235528/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Apologies for absence ref: 235428/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 235328/01/202528/01/2025Not for call-in
To approve a Framework Agreement with Bloom to issue a Direct Award to Perki Productions ref: 235127/01/202527/01/2025Not for call-in
27-1 Officer Decision - Ricoh Contract Extension ref: 235214/01/202514/01/2025Not for call-in
Customer Service Training ref: 235027/01/202527/01/2025Not for call-in
23-1 Officer Decision - Mobile Phone Contract Extension (1) ref: 234914/01/202514/01/2025Not for call-in
Approval to direct award a three-year SaaS contract to Unit4 ref: 234818/12/202418/12/2024Not for call-in