
Use the below search options at the bottom of the page to find information regarding recent decisions that have been taken by the council’s decision making bodies.

Alternatively you can visit the officer decisions page for information on officer delegated decisions that have been taken by council officers.

Decisions published
Title Date Effective from Call-ins
Approval to award contract for Planning Advice on the Hemel Garden Communities Project ref: 106302/01/202002/01/2020Not for call-in
To undertake consultations on the proposal to introduce waiting restrictions in Wood Lane End and Redbourn Road and to delegate the decision to introduce the restrictions, if applicable, to the Solicitor to the Council in consultation with the Portfo ref: 137118/12/202030/12/2020Call-in expired
Treasury Management Mid-Year Update ref: 136715/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 136515/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 136415/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 136315/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 136215/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 136115/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 136015/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Garage Programme Update ref: 136915/12/202025/12/2020Call-in expired
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Strategy ref: 136815/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Council Tax base ref: 136615/12/202025/12/2020Call-in expired
Committee Timetable 2021/22 ref: 137015/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Electric vehicle charge points ref: 135815/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Deed of Variation to include the Parking & Access Movement project for Highway enhancement works ref: 135915/12/202015/12/2020Not for call-in
Contractual Covid-19 Support ref: 135710/12/202010/12/2020Not for call-in
Additional Restrictions Grant - COVID-19 Support for Local Businesses. ref: 135507/12/202007/12/2020Not for call-in
ERDF Returning to the High Street Safely Fund ref: 135402/12/202002/12/2020Not for call-in
To authorise the sale of 5 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 135330/11/202030/11/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 134324/11/202024/11/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 134624/11/202024/11/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 134424/11/202024/11/2020Not for call-in
Camelot Rugby Club Lease ref: 135124/11/202004/12/2020Call-in expired
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 134724/11/202024/11/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 134824/11/202024/11/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 134524/11/202024/11/2020Not for call-in
Brownfield Land Register ref: 135224/11/202004/12/2020Call-in expired
Covid-19 update ref: 135024/11/202004/12/2020Call-in expired
Budget monitoring Q2 ref: 134924/11/202004/12/2020Call-in expired
Review of Statement of Licensing Policy - Licensing Act 2003 ref: 133418/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Feeding Hungry Children ref: 134118/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Local Plan ref: 134218/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Change to committee dates ref: 133518/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Changes to committee membership ref: 133618/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Overview and Scrutiny referrals ref: 133718/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet referrals ref: 133818/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Business from the last council meeting ref: 133918/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Questions ref: 134018/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Announcements ref: 133318/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 133218/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 133118/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 133018/11/202018/11/2020Not for call-in
To undertake a consultation on the proposal to introduce waiting restrictions at the junction of Chaulden Terrace and Long Chaulden, Hemel Hempstead ref: 132925/11/202003/12/2020Call-in expired
PH-022-20 Response to: 1. Government White Paper - Planning for the Future - August 2020; and 2. Government Consultation on Changes to the Current Planning System - August 2020 ref: 132825/11/202003/12/2020Call-in expired
PH-024-20-To set a Parking Services refund policy ref: 132725/11/202003/12/2020Call-in expired
To authorise the sale of 2 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 132405/11/202005/11/2020Not for call-in
Proposed consultation for taxi ranks in Berkhamsted and Tring High Street ref: 132506/11/202014/11/2020Call-in expired
To authorise the sale of 19 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 130319/10/202019/10/2020Not for call-in
Approval to award contract for Council Tax & Business Rates annual billing printing & associated services ref: 132303/11/202003/11/2020Not for call-in
The approval to award a contract to Pellings LLP to carry out the role of Architect on the Cherry Bounce New Build Scheme. ref: 130219/10/202019/10/2020Not for call-in
Extension of the Council’s Service Level Agreement with Hertfordshire Building Control Ltd ref: 132123/10/202023/10/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 131220/10/202020/10/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 131120/10/202020/10/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 131020/10/202020/10/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 130920/10/202020/10/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 130820/10/202020/10/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 130720/10/202020/10/2020Not for call-in
Annual Infrastructure Funding Statement ref: 132020/10/202030/10/2020Call-in expired
Public Space Protection Order ref: 131920/10/202030/10/2020Call-in expired
Car Parking Supplementary Planning Document ref: 131720/10/202030/10/2020Call-in expired
Local Plan Consultation Draft ref: 131520/10/202030/10/2020Call-in expired
Treasury Management Report ref: 131320/10/202030/10/2020Call-in expired
Herts Growth Board - Section 101 Committee ref: 131820/10/202030/10/2020Call-in expired
Climate change strategy ref: 131620/10/202030/10/2020Call-in expired
Medium Term Financial Strategy ref: 131420/10/202030/10/2020Call-in expired
To delay the implementation to staff lease car allowances from 1st October 2020 to 1 January 2021. ref: 130421/10/202029/10/2020Call-in expired
To vary the terms of several of the leases for Eastwick Row flats in order to relocate the brick sheds originally included in the demise. ref: 129914/10/202014/10/2020Not for call-in
To award a contract for Employers Agent Services for the Cherry Bounce New Build Scheme. ref: 130119/10/202019/10/2020Not for call-in
Officer Decision Record Sheet - Energy Saving Trust - Data and Reports ref: 129814/10/202014/10/2020Not for call-in
To authorise the sale of 3 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 128304/10/202004/10/2020Not for call-in
Test and Trace Support Payment. ref: 129712/10/202012/10/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 128416/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 128516/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Any other business ref: 129516/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Overview and Scrutiny referrals ref: 129216/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet referrals ref: 129116/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Business from the last council meeting ref: 129016/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Change to committee dates ref: 129416/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 128616/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Changes to committee membership ref: 129316/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Motions ref: 128816/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Announcements ref: 128716/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
Questions ref: 128916/09/202016/09/2020Not for call-in
To retrospectively approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning & procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process in relation to: The Supply of Furniture to th ref: 129607/10/202015/10/2020Call-in expired
To approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning & procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process in relation to: The Resurfacing of Dacorum Way, Hemel Hempste ref: 128202/10/202010/10/2020Call-in expired
Help to Rent Policy and Housing Allocation Policy Amendments ref: 128130/09/202008/10/2020Call-in expired
Freehold Transfer of Land & Buildings known as Parkwood Surgery, Parkwood Drive, Hemel Hempstead HP1 2LD ref: 110303/02/202003/02/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 127522/09/202022/09/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 127422/09/202022/09/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 127322/09/202022/09/2020Not for call-in
Q1 Financial report ref: 127622/09/202002/10/2020Call-in expired
Covid-19 update ref: 127722/09/202002/10/2020Call-in expired
Declarations of Interest ref: 127222/09/202022/09/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 127122/09/202022/09/2020Not for call-in
Appointment of a Principal Contractor for Coniston Road Development, Kings Langley ref: 127922/09/202002/10/2020Call-in expired
West Herts Crematorium Consortium Loan Agreement ref: 127822/09/202002/10/2020Call-in expired
Minutes ref: 127022/09/202022/09/2020Not for call-in
Appointment of a Principal Contractor for Eastwick Row Development, Hemel Hempstead ref: 128022/09/202002/10/2020Call-in expired
To advertise and enact THE BOROUGH OF DACORUM (HEMEL HEMPSTEAD) (Prohibition and Restriction of Waiting) (Consolidation) Order 2003 (Amendment) Order 2020 ref: 126908/09/202016/09/2020Call-in expired
To seek approval for the sale of 22 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 126803/09/202003/09/2020Not for call-in
Delegation to award contracts and suspension of the Council’s Standing Orders for fire safety works at Council owned blocks of flats ref: 126701/09/202009/09/2020Call-in expired
To approve Community Grants for the Spring 2020 round ref: 126626/08/202026/08/2020Not for call-in
To seek approval for the sale of 20 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 126524/08/202024/08/2020Not for call-in
To sign the “LICENCE TO USE A ROUTE OVER LAND” agreement at The Gatehouse Apsley Paper Mill, London Road, Hemel Hempstead between Dacorum Borough Council and The Apsley Paper Trail ref: 125807/08/202007/08/2020Not for call-in
Approval to award contracts for Grovehill Adventure Playground and ref: 126310/08/202010/08/2020Not for call-in
Appointment to the role of Chief Executive ref: 126205/08/202005/08/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 125905/08/202005/08/2020Not for call-in
Exclusion of the Public ref: 126105/08/202005/08/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 126005/08/202005/08/2020Not for call-in
To award a contract for the installation and extension of 3G pitches ref: 122322/07/202022/07/2020Not for call-in
To authorise the sale of 18 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 124230/07/202030/07/2020Not for call-in
To authorise the sale of 13 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 124330/07/202030/07/2020Not for call-in
To authorise the sale of 1 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 124010/07/202010/07/2020Not for call-in
To authorise the sale of 8 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 124113/05/202013/05/2020Not for call-in
To authorise the sale of 12 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ ref: 123830/07/202030/07/2020Not for call-in
To seek approval for the sale of 6 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 122517/07/202017/07/2020Not for call-in
To seek approval for the sale of 9 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 122417/07/202017/07/2020Not for call-in
Garage Programme Update ref: 123221/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Private Sector Assistance Policy ref: 123321/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 122721/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 122821/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 122921/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 123021/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Pavement Licensing ref: 123521/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Local Development Scheme ref: 123421/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 123121/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 122621/07/202021/07/2020Not for call-in
Contractual Covid 19 Support ref: 122220/07/202020/07/2020Not for call-in
Changes to committee membership ref: 121915/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Overview and Scrutiny Committee Annual Reports ref: 121815/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet referrals ref: 121715/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Business from the last council meeting ref: 121615/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Questions ref: 121515/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Announcements ref: 121315/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 121215/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 121115/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 121015/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Motions ref: 121415/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Call-in and urgency procedure ref: 122115/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
Change to committee dates ref: 122015/07/202015/07/2020Not for call-in
To enter into a Deed Of Variation of title no HD484636 with Hertfordshire County Council (HCC). ref: 120914/07/202014/07/2020Not for call-in
To approve the signing of the S38 agreement and transfer documents for the Sale of the 21 units at the Martindale Development ref: 120710/07/202010/07/2020Not for call-in
To seek approval for the sale of 18 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 120606/07/202006/07/2020Not for call-in
OFFICER DECISION RECORD SHEET - Martindale - Plot 23 - 10 School End Crescent uploaded Mod Gov ref: 120201/07/202001/07/2020Not for call-in
OFFICER DECISION RECORD SHEET - Martindale - Plot 13 - 11 School End Crescen ref: 120506/07/202006/07/2020Not for call-in
OFFICER DECISION RECORD SHEET - Martindale - Plot 10 - 17 School End Crescent ref: 120406/07/202006/07/2020Not for call-in
Building Control financial settlement with Hertfordshire Building Control Ltd ref: 125706/07/202006/07/2020Not for call-in
Land adjacent to 103 Rucklers Lane, Kings Langley WD4 8BA ref: 125606/07/202014/07/2020Call-in expired
Land adjacent to 88 Claymore, Hemel Hempstead HP2 6LW Proposed sale of strip of land adjacent to 88 Claymore, Hemel Hempstead ref: 125506/07/202014/07/2020Call-in expired
To seek approval for the sale of 10 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End ref: 118910/06/202010/06/2020Not for call-in
Climate Change ref: 120123/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Homeless Strategy ref: 119823/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 119223/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 119323/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Private Sector Housing Strategy 2020 ref: 119923/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Covid-19 Impact Report ref: 120023/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 119423/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 119523/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 119623/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 119723/06/202023/06/2020Not for call-in
Approval to award contract to operate the Café in The Forum ref: 110231/01/202031/01/2020Not for call-in
Local Authority Discretionary Grant Fund, (LADGF) – COVID-19 Support for Local Businesses ref: 125419/06/202019/06/2020Not for call-in
To approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning & procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process ref: 125328/05/202005/06/2020Call-in expired
To set aside the Council’s Commissioning and Procurement Standing Orders to extend a contract for the Supply and installation of an innovative ground stabilisation solution. ref: 125226/05/202003/06/2020Call-in expired
Provisional Outturn Report 2019/20 ref: 118519/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Climate Change Strategy and Action Plan ref: 118719/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
New Normal Update ref: 118619/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 117919/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 118019/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 118119/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 118219/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 118419/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Strategic Sites Design Guidance Supplementary Planning Document ref: 118819/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 118319/05/202019/05/2020Not for call-in
Update of business rates Revaluation Relief scheme 2017-18 to 2020-21 for year 4 ref: 117601/05/202001/05/2020Not for call-in
Heritage Funding 2020-21 ref: 125029/04/202007/05/2020Call-in expired
To award a grant of £9000 to Great Gaddesden Cricket Club ref: 125129/04/202007/05/2020Call-in expired
Approval to provide Supplier Relief for Jarvis Contracting Ltd in relation to the Housing Development project called Magenta Court. ref: 117522/04/202022/04/2020Not for call-in
Approval to provide Supplier Relief for Jarvis Contracting Ltd in relation to the Housing Development project called Kylna Court. ref: 117422/04/202022/04/2020Not for call-in
Call-in and Urgency Procedure ref: 117315/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Dacorum Borough Council's Planning and Response to Covid-19 ref: 116515/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Covid 19 - Emergency Constitution amendments ref: 116415/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Change to committee dates ref: 117215/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Changes to committee membership ref: 117115/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Overview and Scrutiny referrals ref: 117015/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet referrals ref: 116915/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Business from the last council meeting ref: 116815/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Questions ref: 116715/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Announcements ref: 116615/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 116315/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 116115/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 116215/04/202015/04/2020Not for call-in
To award a contract for the Employers Agent role on Garage Sites and Randall’s Ride (New Homes Programme) ref: 115021/04/202021/04/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 115321/04/202021/04/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 115221/04/202021/04/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 115521/04/202021/04/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 115421/04/202021/04/2020Not for call-in
Dacorum Borough Council Local Development Scheme ref: 115721/04/202021/04/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 115121/04/202021/04/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 115621/04/202021/04/2020Not for call-in
Festive Lights Contract ref: 115822/04/202022/04/2020Not for call-in
To seek approval for the sale of 7 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 114817/04/202017/04/2020Not for call-in
To seek approval for the sale of 14 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 114917/04/202017/04/2020Not for call-in
COVID-19 support for businesses ref: 124931/03/202031/03/2020Not for call-in
Settlement of Contractual Claim and Covid 19 Support ref: 114531/03/202031/03/2020Not for call-in
To seek approval for the sale of 4 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 114323/03/202023/03/2020Not for call-in
To award a contract for Fire Safety Works to be carried out at William Crook House ref: 96825/07/201925/07/2019Not for call-in
To award a contract for Fire Safety Works to be carried out at Willow Edge ref: 98001/08/201901/08/2019Not for call-in
To award a contract for Fire Safety Works to be carried out at Emma Rothchild Court ref: 101509/10/201909/10/2019Not for call-in
To seek approval for the sale of 16 School End Crescent, Hemel Hempstead, HP1 2DZ at Martindale Fields, Warners End. ref: 112010/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
HRA Strategic Acquisitions Policy ref: 114110/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Events & CDM policy ref: 114210/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 113410/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 113610/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 113710/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 113810/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 113910/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Q3 Strategic Risk Register ref: 114010/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 113510/03/202010/03/2020Not for call-in
Change to committee dates ref: 113026/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Changes to committee membership ref: 112926/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 112126/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 112226/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 112326/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Announcements ref: 112426/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Questions ref: 112526/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Business from the last council meeting ref: 112626/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Council Tax Declaration 2020/21 ref: 113126/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet referrals ref: 112726/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Council Tax Declaration 2020/21 ref: 113326/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Motion to Council ref: 113226/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Overview and Scrutiny referrals ref: 112826/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
Approval to award contract for Off-site Archiving ref: 111928/02/202028/02/2020Not for call-in
Contract award for the CCTV Upgrade/Refresh Programme and Maintenance Service ref: 124827/02/202006/03/2020Call-in expired
Business rates retail and pubs discount 2020-21 ref: 124726/02/202026/02/2020Not for call-in
19/02735/MFA - Construction of 10 new dwellings with associated access road, parking and landscaping - Land East Of Hardwick Barnes Lane Kings Langley Hertfordshire ref: 111830/01/202030/01/2020Not for call-in
Purchase of Land at Paradise Fields ref: 110412/02/202012/02/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 110511/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 110711/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 110811/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 110911/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 111011/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Exclusion of the Public ref: 111511/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Budget Monitoring Q3 ref: 111211/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Senior Officer Pay Policy ref: 111411/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Land Disposal ref: 111611/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Budget 2020/21 ref: 111111/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Flexible Tenancy Review ref: 111311/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 110611/02/202011/02/2020Not for call-in
To approve an exemption to comply with the Council’s commissioning & procurement standing orders and award a contract directly without the need to carry out a competitive tendering process in relation to the Payroll Bureau Services Contract ref: 124612/02/202020/02/2020Call-in expired
Motions ref: 109427/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Change to committee dates ref: 109927/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 109027/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 109127/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Changes to committee membership ref: 109827/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Overview and Scrutiny referrals ref: 109727/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Cabinet referrals ref: 109627/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Business from the last council meeting ref: 109527/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Questions ref: 110127/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Announcements ref: 109327/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Use of Camelot RFC as a Polling Station for the UK Parliamentary Election on 12 December 2019 ref: 110027/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 109227/11/201927/11/2019Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 108022/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Motion ref: 108222/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Questions ref: 108922/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Change to committee dates ref: 108422/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Changes to committee membership ref: 108522/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Announcements ref: 108122/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 107822/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 107922/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Overview and Scrutiny referrals ref: 108622/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet referrals ref: 108722/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Business from the last council meeting ref: 108822/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
Constitution update ref: 108322/01/202022/01/2020Not for call-in
To sign the insurance documents for ‘Premier Guarantee’ required to cover the 21 market Sales units at Martindale ref: 107710/01/202010/01/2020Not for call-in
HRA Business Plan ref: 107614/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Hemel Hempstead Garden Community Board - Memorandum of Understanding ref: 107414/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Q2 Strategic Risk Register ref: 107314/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Cabinet Forward Plan ref: 107114/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Referrals to Cabinet ref: 107014/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Public Participation ref: 106914/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Declarations of Interest ref: 106814/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Berkhamsted Sports Centre ref: 107514/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Minutes ref: 106614/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Apologies for Absence ref: 106714/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
Treasury Management 19/20 Mid-Year Report ref: 107214/01/202014/01/2020Not for call-in
To appoint the provider of Internal Audit services to the Council ref: 106509/01/202009/01/2020Not for call-in
Supported Housing Laundry Tender ref: 106418/12/201918/12/2019Not for call-in
Approval to award a contract for the role of Employers Agent on the Paradise Fields Housing New Build Development ref: 106017/12/201917/12/2019Not for call-in
To award a contract for Architectural Services for the Council’s New Build Scheme. ref: 104712/12/201912/12/2019Not for call-in